Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why does Jordan oppose the health care bill?

Everyone knows the healthcare bill is all the talk in the news right now. And while I want to stay informed, the frustration I feel when I watch/read what's going on in Congress makes me wish I had just stayed oblivious and out of the loop. I'm going to list the reasons why I'm opposed government control of healthcare...and then I'm going to move on...and trust my family's future to Jesus, who operates above and beyond the ridiculousness that is going on right now... ;)

Why I don't like the healthcare bill...

1. In general, I'm not a fan of government's control of anything.

2. Of the however-many people that don't have health care, there are only like 3% of Americans who want it (who don't yet have it). To spend nearly a trillion dollars on legislation that affects such a small portion of Americans seems unwise. Also, most of the doctors I know presently serve those uninsured patients anyway, regardless of their ability to pay.

3. When I think of the government's involvement in healthcare, I typically think about Medicare. And this establishment doesn't even reimburse doctors enough to cover the cost of care. So, not only are doctors (who work for countless hours--trust me, COUNTLESS hours--to earn their degree) not getting reimbursed adequately by the government once they have their own practice...they can even be losing money. Which leads to #4...

4. The bill gives young adults a disincentive to become doctors, specifically those practicing family medicine. If there are going to be more people needing care and less doctors to provide that care, there are going to be problems...

5. The manner in which Congress is soliciting "Yes" votes is unacceptable.

6. No one knows what's even in the bill.

I could go on...

Basically, I agree that the health insurance industry is out of control and there are areas where changes need to be made. However, I think our federal government needs to get its nose out of areas in which it does not have expertise. This bill is not the solution to the healthcare problem.